“A successful negotiation is rarely achieved without preparation, nor
is a successful sale achieved without preparation”
Time Line
First 30 days
After an engagement from the seller is completed, we review financial information, plan strategy, and produce a detailed memorandum.
30 – 90 days
We identify potential acquirers through communications with our referral network, that includes financial institutions, investment banks, attorneys, accountants, and equity capital groups. Then we distribute a “blind” summary of the seller’s business to potential acquirers.
90 – 180 days
Once acquirer’s interest is verified through the presentation of the “blind” summary, we qualify the acquirer financially and strategic. The detailed memorandum describing the business is furnished to top level executives after having signed a confidentiality agreement. If the prospective acquirer is interested in pursuing the matter after reviewing the memorandum, we facilitate meetings and a visit to the business.
180 days – closing
We assist both seller and acquirer through all subsequent stages of the transaction that includes: coordinate follow up information requests, discussions, negotiations, facilitate due diligence, legal documentation, coordinate environmental phases and closing.
Fees / transaction
We require a retainer fee to begin the engagement and a success fee based solely upon the transaction value, due at closing. Travel and related out-of- pocket expenses apply.
Fees / consulting
A non-refundable retainer fee that constitutes payment in full for a specified number of hours is due at engagement. Any services provided in excess of the specified hours will be billed at an hourly rate. Travel and related out-of-pocket expenses apply.
When you engage Penn Capital Group, you work with the principals.
References are available upon request.